Freezing Point Of Sulfuric Acid

The freezing point of sulfuric acid, a crucial property in chemistry, holds significant implications for various industrial and environmental applications. This comprehensive guide delves into the factors influencing its freezing point, experimental methods for its determination, and its practical relevance.

Sulfuric acid’s low freezing point, a consequence of its unique molecular structure, makes it an essential component in batteries, refrigerants, and other applications. However, its corrosive nature demands careful handling and adherence to safety protocols.

Introduction: Freezing Point Of Sulfuric Acid

The freezing point of a substance is the temperature at which it changes from a liquid to a solid state. It is a crucial property in chemistry as it provides insights into the intermolecular forces within a substance and its behavior under varying conditions.

Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is a highly corrosive and viscous liquid at room temperature. Its freezing point is -10.38 °C (13.28 °F). This relatively low freezing point compared to other acids indicates weaker intermolecular forces between sulfuric acid molecules. The hydrogen bonding in sulfuric acid is not as strong as in other acids like nitric acid or hydrochloric acid, resulting in a lower freezing point.

Factors Affecting Freezing Point

The freezing point of a substance is the temperature at which it changes from a liquid to a solid. For sulfuric acid, the freezing point is affected by several factors, including concentration.


The concentration of sulfuric acid is the most significant factor affecting its freezing point. As the concentration of sulfuric acid increases, the freezing point decreases. This is because the addition of sulfuric acid molecules to water disrupts the formation of ice crystals, making it more difficult for the solution to freeze.

The relationship between concentration and freezing point is not linear. As the concentration of sulfuric acid increases, the freezing point decreases at a decreasing rate. This is because the addition of sulfuric acid molecules to water becomes less effective at disrupting ice crystal formation as the concentration increases.

The freezing point of a sulfuric acid solution can be calculated using the following equation:

Freezing point =

  • 0.0071
  • (concentration) + 0.388


  • Freezing point is in degrees Celsius
  • Concentration is the mass percentage of sulfuric acid in the solution

For example, a 10% sulfuric acid solution has a freezing point of -5.3 degrees Celsius, while a 50% sulfuric acid solution has a freezing point of -36.1 degrees Celsius.

Freezing Point Depression

The freezing point depression of a solution is the decrease in freezing point caused by the addition of a solute to a solvent. In the case of sulfuric acid solutions, the solute is sulfuric acid and the solvent is water.

The freezing point depression of a solution is proportional to the concentration of the solute. The more concentrated the solution, the greater the freezing point depression.

The freezing point depression of a sulfuric acid solution can be calculated using the following equation:

Freezing point depression =

  • 0.0071
  • (concentration)


  • Freezing point depression is in degrees Celsius
  • Concentration is the mass percentage of sulfuric acid in the solution

For example, a 10% sulfuric acid solution has a freezing point depression of -0.071 degrees Celsius, while a 50% sulfuric acid solution has a freezing point depression of -0.355 degrees Celsius.

Experimental Determination

Determining the freezing point of sulfuric acid experimentally involves measuring the temperature at which it solidifies. Several methods can be employed for this purpose.

One common method is the freezing point depression experiment, which utilizes the principle that the freezing point of a solvent decreases when a solute is added. In the case of sulfuric acid, the solute is water.

Freezing Point Depression Experiment

To conduct a freezing point depression experiment, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare a solution of sulfuric acid in water with a known concentration.
  2. Place the solution in a test tube or other suitable container.
  3. Attach a thermometer to the container and immerse it in a cooling bath, such as a mixture of ice and water.
  4. Stir the solution while monitoring the temperature.
  5. Record the temperature at which the solution begins to solidify.

The recorded temperature represents the freezing point of the sulfuric acid solution. By comparing this value to the freezing point of pure water, the freezing point depression can be calculated.

Applications and Implications

Sulfuric acid’s unique freezing point holds significant practical and environmental relevance.

Industrially, sulfuric acid’s low freezing point makes it a valuable component in batteries and refrigerants.


  • In lead-acid batteries, sulfuric acid serves as the electrolyte, enabling efficient charge storage and release.
  • Its low freezing point ensures the battery’s functionality even in cold conditions.


  • Sulfuric acid’s low freezing point makes it a suitable refrigerant for industrial and commercial applications.
  • It effectively absorbs heat, maintaining low temperatures in refrigeration systems.

Environmentally, sulfuric acid’s low freezing point has implications for both its production and use.

Environmental Implications

  • During production, sulfuric acid’s low freezing point facilitates its handling and transportation.
  • However, its release into the environment can pose risks, as it can lower the freezing point of water bodies, potentially harming aquatic ecosystems.

Safety Considerations

The highly corrosive nature of sulfuric acid demands utmost caution during handling. Its contact with skin or eyes can cause severe burns, while inhalation of its fumes can irritate the respiratory system.

To ensure a safe working environment, adhere to the following protocols:

Protective Equipment

  • Wear protective clothing made of acid-resistant materials, such as rubber or neoprene.
  • Use chemical-resistant gloves and boots.
  • Wear a full-face shield or goggles to protect eyes from splashes.
  • Use a respirator when working with concentrated sulfuric acid or in poorly ventilated areas.

Emergency Procedures, Freezing point of sulfuric acid

  • In case of skin contact, immediately flush the affected area with copious amounts of water for at least 15 minutes and seek medical attention.
  • For eye contact, rinse thoroughly with water for at least 15 minutes, holding the eyelids open, and seek medical attention immediately.
  • If inhaled, move to fresh air and seek medical attention if respiratory irritation persists.
  • In case of a spill, neutralize the acid with a weak base, such as sodium bicarbonate, and absorb the mixture with an inert material, such as sand or vermiculite.

Expert Answers

What is the freezing point of sulfuric acid?

The freezing point of pure sulfuric acid is -10.4°C (13.3°F).

How does concentration affect the freezing point of sulfuric acid?

The freezing point decreases as the concentration of sulfuric acid increases.

What are the industrial applications of sulfuric acid’s low freezing point?

Sulfuric acid is used in batteries, refrigerants, and other applications that require a low freezing point.

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