Unit 2 Lesson 6 Note Values Answer Key

Introducing the Unit 2 Lesson 6 Note Values Answer Key, an essential guide to comprehending the fundamental elements of musical rhythm and note duration. This key provides a comprehensive overview of note values, rhythm, time signatures, measures, and practice exercises, empowering musicians with the knowledge to decipher and perform musical compositions.

Through a combination of clear explanations, illustrative examples, and interactive exercises, this answer key unlocks the secrets of musical notation, enabling students to grasp the intricacies of rhythm and duration. Whether you’re a novice musician or an experienced performer, this resource will enhance your understanding and appreciation of music’s temporal dimension.

Note Values

Note values represent the duration of musical sounds. They are the building blocks of rhythm and determine how long each note is played. Different note values have different symbols and durations.

Common note values include:

  • Whole note (4 beats)
  • Half note (2 beats)
  • Quarter note (1 beat)
  • Eighth note (1/2 beat)
  • Sixteenth note (1/4 beat)
Note Value Symbol Duration
Whole note 4 beats
Half note 2 beats
Quarter note 1 beat
Eighth note 1/2 beat
Sixteenth note 1/4 beat

Rhythm: Unit 2 Lesson 6 Note Values Answer Key

Rhythm refers to the pattern of long and short sounds in music. It is created by the combination of different note values. Simple rhythms consist of a regular pattern of beats, while complex rhythms can involve syncopation and variations in duration.

Examples of simple rhythms:

  • Quarter note followed by a half note
  • Eighth note followed by two quarter notes

Examples of complex rhythms:

  • Syncopated rhythm with a quarter note on the second beat of a measure
  • Triple meter with a pattern of quarter note, eighth note, eighth note

Time Signatures

Time signatures are musical symbols that indicate the number of beats in a measure and the type of note that receives one beat. Common time signatures include:

  • 4/4 (four beats per measure, quarter note gets one beat)
  • 3/4 (three beats per measure, quarter note gets one beat)
  • 2/4 (two beats per measure, quarter note gets one beat)
Time Signature Beat Pattern
4/4 1 2 3 4
3/4 1 2 3
2/4 1 2

Time signatures help determine the grouping of note values within a measure.


Measures are units of time in music, marked by vertical lines called bar lines. They divide musical notation into equal sections, each containing a specific number of beats. The length of a measure is determined by the time signature.

For example, in 4/4 time, each measure contains four beats. Quarter notes would fill up one beat, half notes would fill up two beats, and whole notes would fill up four beats.

Measures provide a visual representation of the rhythm and structure of music.

Practice Exercises

Unit 2 lesson 6 note values answer key

Exercise 1:Identify the note values in the following musical notation.

Exercise 2:Create a rhythm using a combination of quarter notes, eighth notes, and half notes.

Exercise 3:Practice reading musical notation using an online resource or app.

FAQ Resource

What is the purpose of note values?

Note values indicate the duration of musical sounds, determining how long each note is held.

How do time signatures affect note values?

Time signatures establish the number of beats per measure and the type of note that receives one beat.

What is the significance of measures in music?

Measures divide musical pieces into regular units, providing a framework for organizing rhythm and structure.